GDPR requests made easy

Rightso makes GDPR requests easy for individuals and organisations!

Generate a request as an individual >

Generate a response as an organisation >

  • The intention of Rightso is to facilitate GDPR requests for both individuals and organisations.

    The benefit to the individual is that he or she can generate a request in just a few clicks that the individual can send to the organisation processing his or her personal data. By using Rightso, the individual's request meets some minimum requirements, as the individual needs to concretely state what his or her request entails. This is an advantage for both individuals and organisations. For the latter, there is also the possibility to import the data of the individual's request, which enables the organisation to answer the request more easily. This import functionality is a unique feature of Rightso.

  • Anyone can use Rightso for free. This applies to both the requesters (individuals) who generate the request and the organisations that generate a response. On the side of the organisations, we do expect the user to have some knowledge of data protection law (e.g. in terms of motivating a refusal of a certain request).

  • If you are looking for a law firm that can help you improve and automate your existing contracts or models, the lawyers at Timelex can help you! Please contact us for more information.

  • You can read about this in our privacy policy.

    We summarize the core of our privacy policy for you here: when you use Rightso, we will encrypt your personal data (mainly your answers to the questions) and store it for three months on a server in the EU. You agree to the terms of use by which we have a contract with you. We will therefore only use your encrypted personal data for the performance of that contract. Before you can use the generator, we also ask for your explicit permission in case you mention sensitive personal data in your answers. ClauseBase provides the technology and acts as a processor of your encrypted personal data. Since your personal data is encrypted, under no circumstances can we read your personal data (unless you give us the file name and password). If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact

  • We have listed the most frequently asked questions for you in our FAQ.

Rightso is made by law firm Timelex.

Timelex is a boutique law firm, based in Brussels and specialized in telecom, IT/IP, media and e-business.

The firm offers strategic and operational legal support in the creation, management and exploitation of information and technology, in all of its diverse forms.

International business in the information technology sector is a specialty of Timelex, not only because of its substantial familiarity with European policy and regulatory initiatives in this field, but also because Timelex can draw on a network of expert correspondents across Europe, each of whom is specialized in IT law.

This makes Timelex one of the select few firms that can collect accurate and relevant legal information from all over Europe, and that can formulate policy recommendations which take into account both the national and the European market.


Powered by ClauseBase, a specialised and highly innovative legal document drafting platform. It allows legal teams to create bespoke legal documents in an automated way — in multiple languages and with entire control over the end result.